About us

Our team

Get to know us a little better.

Turning the box on its head

Here in Rotterdam, we don’t just think outside the box... we’re happy to turn the box on its head if we need to!

We’re free thinkers, hard workers, and just like the city we call home we’re deeply connected — all around the globe.

We’ve been moving with the markets for over 30 years, and we know that our people have the intuition and intelligence to interpret and understand them. We know that to be rational, you have to be human first.

Sabine Maier
— Finance & HR
Sten Lammers
— Data
Mattijs Oort
— Operations
Manfred Stenebome
— Head of Legal
Marjolein Dekkers
— Compliance
Jork Muijres
— Market Access
Luuk Hendrikx
— Portfolio Management
Juri Snijders
— Operations
Toni Budimir
— Head of Portfolio Management
Meike Geertsma
— HR
Koen van Grotel
van Grotel
— Trading
Corjan Overbeeke
— Operations

At Transtrend, we focus on the long term. In a continuously evolving world, it is our ambition to keep on adapting. Because it's the only way we can continue to offer effective trading programs. We employ talented people who share our passion for investing and innovation and together we strive to add value for our investors.

Teamwork and creativity are at the heart of our approach. We mostly employ people without a financial background — different and sometimes unorthodox views and a generous amount of resourcefulness are required in order to successfully navigate our constantly evolving markets.

Meet our board of directors:


Harold de Boer

Managing Director

Harold is the architect of our Diversified Trend Program, responsible for research & development, portfolio management and trading. Harold was born and raised on a dairy farm in Drenthe. And from a young age, he has been intrigued by linking mathematics to the real world around us.

In the final phase of his studies, while working on the project that would later become Transtrend, he became fascinated by the concept of leptokurtosis — or ‘fat tails’ — in probability distributions, a topic which has inspired him throughout his career.

His approach to markets is best described as a combination of a farmer’s common sense and mathematics, never losing sight of the underlying fundamentals.


Joep van den Broek

Managing Director

Joep joined Transtrend as a trader straight from university. He soon discovered that executing orders in markets was not the only crucial skill for this job. What it also comes down to is making sure that orders can get executed, especially in stress scenarios. This requires putting together the right contacts and the right contracts.

In his role as managing director he does the same: making sure things get done and can get done. Preparing and organizing the playing field. Gathering the right people — internally and externally — and connecting them with each other and with processes.

Joep is an avid tennis player. He never takes his eye off the ball and is always ready to move.

We know that uncertainty and unpredictability will always exist, and we know that no model is ever perfect. That's why we put such faith in the people we employ.


Mark van Dongen

Executive Director

Mark is the operational backbone of Transtrend. He started just after our Diversified Trend Program went live. Which means: he missed the initial four years of freely fantasizing about hypothetical possibilities. When he joined, the strategy had to function in real life in real markets. And that suits Mark best. Mark acts when other people talk or worry.

There isn't much at Transtrend that Mark has never been involved in himself. From building reconciliation tools to setting up our backup office. From programming trading strategies to executing orders in markets. For all crucial processes, he knows firsthand what is necessary to keep them functioning in all circumstances.

’Crisis alpha’ is not just a theoretical investment concept. Real ‘crisis alpha’ is delivered by people like Mark.


André Honig

Executive Director

André started his career at an advisory group building econometric models for investors. He enjoyed this, but soon realized that talking to clients was his real passion. Instead of building them, explaining the characteristics of intricate models. Not only when they perform as expected, but also in times of adversity.

As Head of Investor Relations at Transtrend, talking about our trading programs is only part of his job. Most of the time, André listens. To our clients, but also to our colleagues. André is the helping hand to many.

André is a cheered home cook, not afraid of sharing chef’s secrets and bringing soul to his dishes.

Get in touch with us

If you would like to know more about our investment services, please get in touch with our Investor Relations team.
André Honig
Kick Heeregrave
You can contact us at: